Artilugio - Contraption

 - Artilugio-

...Cuando la busque, ya se había ido a la chingada, como desesperado le di 5 millones de vueltas a la manzana, y la gente me decía -no seas pendejo, ella ya se fue-, no quise creerles, me costaba creerles por que hacia unos pocos segundos besabas mi boca, y me decia que me amabas y que me querias, que enloquecerías y enfermarías por mi, ahora ya no te tenia, ahora eras un fino artilugio, a pesar de tus insípidas palabras -Te juro que yo no soy igual y jamás te lastimare- al final, si... eras igual a las demás y si me lastimaste igual o peor que las demás, dios te perdone, dios te proteja...


... When I looked for her, she had already gone to hell, as desperate I gave 5 million laps to the block, and people told me -do not be an asshole, she has already left-, I did not want to believe them, it was hard for me to believe them because a few seconds ago you were kissing my mouth, and you told me that you loved me and that you loved me, that you would go crazy and sick for me, now I no longer had you, now you were a fine contraption, despite your insipid words -I swear that I am not the same and I will never hurt you- in the end, if ... you were the same as the others and if you hurt me the same or worse than the others, God forgive you, God protect you ...

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