Una tarde de otoño - An autumn afternoon

    Todo comenzaba el viernes por la noche, ahí ya se hacía el plan, tempranito por la mañana ya se consultaba el periódico "El diario de sotavento de Coatzacoalcos" o "La opinión de mina" te olvidabas de las demás secciones y te ibas a dónde te llamaba el interés: la cartera del cine, lo fantástico de esas épocas es que en el cine se acostumbraba la "Permanecía voluntaria" te daban 4 funciones de 2 películas diferentes comenzando desde las 4 de la tarde y culminando a las 11 de la noche Coatza en esa época era un lugar bastante seguro y podías caminar las calles a esa hora aún que se decía que " ya no eran horas propias", el cine "Familiar" por excelencia era el cine Puerto, era de esos cines tipo teatro que ya no existen amplió con butacas con respaldo de madera y el asiento acojinado con un tambor chistoso en la parte de abajo que luego les platicaré para que servía, una vez que leias la cartelera cinematográfica, te mandaban a comprar los boletos, se hacía la cooperación y te lanzabas desde tempranito pues las filas para comprarlos comenzaban desde las 10 de la mañana, esa era una fila que si era un "Blockbuster" la fila podía ser increíblemente larga (Se los ejemplificare, recuerdan el cinema Miramar?, Bueno pues su fila podía dar la vuelta a la manzana, con suerte encontrabas boletos para la función de la tarde y si no hasta las 6 de la tarde) y luego existía otra fila para ingresar al recinto, mientras los amigos preparaban lo que se llevaría al cine, antes estos te permitían ingresar comida y bebida dentro del cine también podías adquirir refrigerios… pero no antes la "Chavisa" no le daban mucho dinero solo lo que te daban de domingo que por lo regular no era mucho así que tenías que ahorrar bastante para ir al cine, así que, eran sándwiches de jamón con queso y queso amarillo y un refresco  de un litro que antes los vendían en botella de cristal, no era una cesta, pero si un curioso morralito para llevar la comida (las mochilas de antes no eran tan prácticas como las de ahora), entonces después de bañarte ponerte galán y echarte harto perfume salías con los cuates al cine, el boletero ya estaba en la entrada con una ánfora de cristal dónde se podían observar los boletos con que la gente ingresaba, lo primero que te recibía en la entrada era… el aire acondicionado, Coatza es una ciudad HORRIBLEMENTE calurosa y llegar a la entrada del cine ya sentías el "fresco" del clima, ingresabas con toda la retahíla de amigos al mezzanine del cine puerto, olía a palomitas recién hechas escuchabas el destapar de los refrescos que vaciaban en vasos desechables de plástico y luego estaban las tortas de cochinita esas tenían otro precio y te la daban con o sin chile envueltas en servilletas con la advertencia de que era salsa habanera y picaba bastante... y si, picaba bastante, mientras te maravillabas viendo los póster y fotos de los próximos estrenos en la vitrinas que colgaban en la pared, era todo un viaje, para accesar al cine había dos entradas grandes de madera con una claraboya en cada puerta en el centro (de hecho todo el mezzanine era enduelado, atravesabas esas y su olor a madera característico (para mí enormes) puertas de madera abatibles y subías las escaleras las luces estaban aún encendidas la gente iba entrando de apoco pero tenías que ser rápido y te tocaran las mejores butacas y no las de las partes de hasta arriba (lugar a donde de iban a besuquear los adolecentes calientes), nunca faltó el que llegaba gritando "Ya llegué" y el que le respondía "pues ponte a barrer" la sala se llenaba de risa, antes de comenzar la película pasaban 2 o tres avances de los films que pasarían más adelante, lo que llamaba poderosamente mi atención era que pasaban anuncios locales, el de "Foto luz era súper pro, supongo no habían hecho por estos lares y luego habían otros anuncios que aparecían como si fueran diapositivas con una musiquita recurrente al último anuncio se apagaban las luces del recinto, la rechifla y los aplausos no se hacían esperar mientras aparecía el logo de la Warner o Paramount pictures, se escuchaban los primeros acordes de la música de la película que iba increccendo

Mi grupo de amigos maravillados con las luces, el sonido, la historia, el héroes de la historia y la chica linda que había que salvar… y así culminaba la primera película y de repente el codazo -Saca los sándwiches, que ya tengo hambre, mientras destapamos la burbujeante soda, el intermedio solo duraba 15 minutos, que aprovechadas para acabarte tu emparedado y tú soda mientras los niños más pequeños corrían por los pasillos asemejando las aventuras del héroe que acaban de ver, si les dije que el cine puerto era tipo teatro?;bueno, pues los chamacos se subían al estrado a pelear luchitas (a veces habían mejores luchitas que la película que acababas de ver), cuando era mas pequeño también me subí a ese estrado, ver esa pantalla gigante color plata me inspiraba, me asomaba del otro lado para checar si no estaban ahí los actores y actrices, yo también quería hacer películas creo que mi primera declaración (equivocada) fue quiero ser productor como George Lucas y en realidad lo que yo quería era dirigir esas historias maravillosas como George Lucas, crear esos mundos geniales… pero bueno me proyecte, ah! estábamos por iniciar la segunda tanda pero antes el cine puerto era el cine familiar por excelencia, toda la familia asistía y llevaban también sus tortas (en caso de una familia que no tenía mucho dinero, me tocó compartir torta de huevo y agua de Jamaica con una familia que creo ni me conocía pero las mamás jamás dejan de ser mamás - anda, anda comete esta torta, te vez bien flacucho ❤️-, entonces se apagan las luces se volvía escuchar el jubiló por parte del público mientras escuchabas el dulce ronronear de los sprockets en el celuloide, se apagaba la luz y comenzaba la segunda función, en los 70's y 80's la tecnología de la platas de luz aún no existían si se iba la luz por tormenta o algún imprevisto tenías que esperar hasta que regresará, esa nos tocó un apagón, el cine se quedaba en la oscuridad total, antes se permitía fumar en los cines así que si tenías un encendedor te convertías en el hombre del momento, recuerdan que le iba a platicar de una cosa curiosa que tenían las butacas del cine puerto, pues que la parte de arriba era de madera y la parte de abajo era un especial de tambor abatible que por una parte estaba acojinados y la de abajo era de puro latón, los jóvenes abatían la silla, le pegaban al fondo de latón con el zapato, este se sumia luego dejaban caer  el peso del trasero sobre la parte acojinada haciendo un ruido bastante estruendoso como protesta por el apagón, pero más que enojarte te divertía pues ahí conocías a tus próximos amigos corrías con ellos en los pasillos y Zas! Llegaba la luz y acorrer a tu asiento (habían funciones que se suspendían totalmente por qué no llegaba la luz esto era por qué los transformadores no aguantaban, después de finalizar la película teníamos que esperar a que se vaciara la sala y eso podía ser tardado, ya una vez estabas fuera nos íbamos al lugar más bonito de Coatza de esa época (para mi) boutique de libros, ahí también había clima y olía a galletas y chocolates finos, si querías la novedad en libros y revistas era el lugar (había otro que estaba cerca del parque independencia enfrente a Juno 2000), salíamos de ahí y nuestra aventura terminaba en el parque cerca de nuestras casas, comentando la película, con la tarde fresca y el sol por ponerse alcanzando el atardecer, podías escuchar los grillitos y el ular de los pinos que estaban en el parque, hablamos de la aventura, de los personajes, de los efectos especiales, a veces recuerdo esas lindas tardes de otoño, sobre todo a ese gigante que me inspiró a ser lo que yo quería ser un cineastas, mis amigos crecieron hicieron sus vidas poco se de ellos, el cine puerto, en cualquier momento entra en demolición, seguro habrán miles de historias acerca del lugar por qué hay mucho que contar, sin lugar era uno de mis cines favoritos, le guardaré un gran cariño… por los buenos tiempos... yo solo tenia 11 añitos cuando esto pasaba

It all started on Friday night, there the plan was already made, early in the morning you would consult the newspaper "El Diario de Sotavento de Coatzacoalcos" or "La Opinion de Mina" you would forget about the other sections and go where. You were interested: the cinema portfolio, the fantastic thing about those times is that in the cinema the "Voluntary Stay" was customary, they gave you 4 showings of 2 different films starting at 4 in the afternoon and ending at 11 at night Coatza at that time was a fairly safe place and you could walk the streets at that time even though it was said that "they were no longer proper hours", the "Familiar" cinema par excellence was the Puerto cinema, it was one of those theater type cinemas that already It does not exist, it was expanded with seats with wooden backs and a padded seat with a funny drum at the bottom that I will tell you later what it was for, once you read the movie billboard, they sent you to buy the tickets, the cooperation was done and You started early because the lines to buy started at 10 in the morning, that was a line that if it was a "Blockbuster" the line could be incredibly long (I'll give you an example, do you remember the Miramar cinema? Well, their line could go around the block, hopefully they would find tickets for the afternoon screening and if not until 6 in the afternoon) and then there was another line to enter the venue, while the friends prepared what they would take to the cinema, before these They allowed you to bring food and drinks into the cinema, you could also buy refrigerators... but not before the "Chavisa" they didn't give you much money, only what they gave you on Sundays, which usually wasn't much, so you had to save a lot to go to the movies. So, they were ham sandwiches with cheese and yellow cheese and a one-liter soda that they used to sell in a glass bottle. It wasn't a basket, but it was a curious little backpack to carry the food (the backpacks before were not so practices like those of now), then after bathing, dressing up and putting on a lot of perfume, you went out with your friends to the cinema, the ticket taker was already at the entrance with a glass amphora where you could see the tickets that people entered with, the first thing What greeted you at the entrance was... the air conditioning, Coatza is a HORRIBLY hot city and when you arrived at the entrance of the cinema you already felt the "freshness" of the climate, you entered with all the string of friends to the mezzanine of the Puerto cinema, it smelled of popcorn Freshly made you heard the uncovering of the soft drinks that were emptied into disposable plastic cups and then there were the cochinita cakes, those had a different price and they gave them to you with or without chili wrapped in napkins with the warning that it was habanero sauce and was quite spicy. .and yes, it was quite itchy, while you marveled at the posters and photos of the upcoming releases in the display cases that hung on the wall, it was quite a trip, to access the cinema there were two large wooden entrances with a skylight in each door. the center (in fact the entire mezzanine was paved, you went through those and its characteristic wood smell (for me huge) folding wooden doors and you went up the stairs the lights were still on people were coming in little by little but you had to be quick and you The best seats were touched and not the ones at the top (the place where the horny teenagers went to make out), there was never a lack of those who arrived shouting "I'm here" and those who answered "then start sweeping" the room was filled with laughter, before starting the movie they played 2 or three previews of the films that would show later, what really caught my attention was that they played local ads, the one for "Photo luz was super cool, I guess they hadn't done anything for these lares and then there were other advertisements that appeared as if they were slides with music recurring to the last advertisement, the lights in the venue went out, the noise and applause did not wait while the Warner or Paramount Pictures logo appeared, the first ones were heard. chords. of the music of the film that was increasing

My group of friends marveled at the lights, the sound, the story, the heroes of the story and the pretty girl who had to be saved... and so the first movie ended and suddenly the nudge -Take out the sandwiches, I'm already hungry, while we uncovered the bubbling soda, the intermission only lasted 15 minutes, which you took advantage of to finish your sandwich and your soda while the smaller children ran through the corridors resembling the adventures of the hero that they had just seen, yes I told you that the Puerto cinema was type theater? Well, the kids got on the stage to fight (sometimes there were better fights than the movie you had just seen), when I was younger I also got on that stage, seeing that giant silver screen inspired me, I looked out on the other side to check if the actors and actresses were not there. I also wanted to make movies. I think my first (wrong) statement was that I want to be a producer like George Lucas and in reality what I wanted was to direct those wonderful stories like George. Lucas, creating those great worlds… but well, I projected myself, ah! We were about to start the second batch but before, the Puerto cinema was the family cinema par excellence, the whole family attended and they also brought their cakes (in the case of a family that did not have much money, I had to share egg cake and Jamaican water with a family that I don't think even knew me but moms never stop being moms - go on, go eat this cake, you look really skinny ❤️ -, then the lights go out and you can hear the jubilation from the audience while you hear the sweet purr of the sprockets on the celluloid, the light went out and the second performance began. In the 70's and 80's the technology of light stages did not yet exist. If the power went out due to a storm or some unforeseen event, you had to wait until it came back, that There was a blackout, the cinema was left in total darkness, before smoking was allowed in the cinemas so if you had a lighter you became the man of the moment, remember that I was going to tell him about a curious thing that the cinema seats had port, since the upper part was made of wood and the lower part was a special folding drum that on one side was padded and the lower part was made of pure brass, the young people would fold down the chair, hit the brass bottom with the shoe, this would sink then they would let the weight of their butt fall on the padded part making a quite loud noise in protest of the blackout, but more than getting angry it was fun because there you met your next friends you ran with them in the hallways and Wow! The light came on and you ran to your seat (there were shows that were completely suspended because the light didn't come, this was because the transformers couldn't hold up, after finishing the movie we had to wait for the theater to empty and that could be a while, Once you were outside we went to the most beautiful place in Coatza at that time (for me) book boutique, there was also weather and it smelled like cookies and fine chocolates, if you wanted new books and magazines it was the place (there was another which was near Independence Park in front of Juno 2000), we left there and our adventure ended in the park near our houses, commenting on the movie, with the cool afternoon and the sun about to set reaching the sunset, you could hear the crickets and the ular of the pine trees that were in the park, we talked about the adventure, the characters, the special effects, sometimes I remember those beautiful autumn afternoons, especially that giant who inspired me to be what I wanted to be, a filmmaker. , my friends grew up, they made their lives little I know about them, the Puerto cinema, at any moment it goes into demolition, there will surely be thousands of stories about the place because there is a lot to tell, without a place it was one of my favorite cinemas, I will save it a great love...for good times, I was only 11 years old when this happened

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