Desvaríos - Misadventures

    Ese día desee que se acabara el mundo con todos 
nosotros dentro, la estrella mas brillante de mi
 insignificante firmamento se había extinguido, era 
inconcebible el pensar estar sin ella, todo era sórdido,
 extraño, bizarro, a quien llamaría a voces a mitad 
de la noche, quien seria mi guía, mi fortuna, mi faro en
 este tan lodoso sendero, el caminar en solitario, ahora 
resultaba indescriptible, no me consolaba el que tuviera sus
 risos, que me pareciera a ella, yo... yo solo la quería a ella, 
ella era la que me quería en mis desvaríos, en mis
 desventuras,ahora que estoy parado en 
la tormenta solo, viendo como se desvanece 
todo. como me hundo...

     That day I wished that the world would end 
with all of us inside, the brightest star in my insignificant
 firmament had been extinguished, it was inconceivable 
to think of being without it, everything was sordid, 
strange, bizarre, whom I would call out for in
 the middle of the night. night, who would be my guide,
 my fortune, my lighthouse on this so muddy path, 
walking alone, now it was indescribable, I was not consoled
 by the fact that she had her laughs, that she looked like her, I ... 
I just wanted her to her, she was the one who 
wanted me in my ravings, in my misadventures,
 now that I am standing alone in the storm, 
watching everything vanish. how I sink ...

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