Viejo - Old


Era solo con la mirada, esa mirada violeta y enmarañada de los días de desasosiego que la miraba, el anden estaba lleno con olor a tabaco y betún para zapatos, cada vez se llenaba mas, casi ya la perdía de vista y con cada paso que daba sentía que la perdía mas y mas, el solo quería abrazarla y amarla con ese amor a viejo del amor verdadero de antes, el corazón se repetía -¿que  estas haciendo, ve por ella?- y la mente era el frio autómata que estaba tomando la decisión, antes que ella se alejara solo alcanzo a pronunciar su nombre con una voz débil, ella no escucho, pues solo podía presenciar el quebranto de su corazón roto, el ya no lo vio pero sus lagrimas le quemaban sus rosadas mejillas, jamás volvieron a verse…


It was only with the look, that violet and tangled look from the restless days that looked at her, the platform was filled with the smell of tobacco and shoe polish, every time it was filled more, almost already lost sight and with each step that He felt that he was losing her more and more, he just wanted to hug her and love her with that old love of true love from before, the heart was repeating itself - what are you doing, go for she? - and the mind was the cold automaton that was making the decision, before she left he only managed to pronounce her name with a weak voice, she did not listen, because she could only witness the breaking of his broken heart, he no longer saw it but his tears burned his pink cheeks, never they met again ...

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