Azul - Blue

     Habían pasado 4 días y el seguía en aquella banca de aquel oscuro parque, tenia aun la rosa entre sus manos marchita, sin hojas, no se movió de aquel lugar, ahora nevaba la temperatura había descendido, el seguía repitiéndose -ella va a venir, lo prometió, ella va a venir lo prometió- se lo seguía repitiendo una y otra vez hasta enloquecer, ella no llego, no era la primera vez que le sucedía, no era la primera vez que las mujeres se burlaban de el, por sus rosas por sus cartas, por sus detalles, no era la primera vez, desde siempre le gustaron las mujeres, pero ahora no podía pensar intentaba respirar y no ahogarse, su respiración era cada vez mas agitada y su mente aun seguía repitiendo la misma frase, -ella va a venir, lo prometió, ella va avenir lo prometió-, sin darse cuenta, perdió el conocimiento, se dejo llevar a su suerte, lo único que recuerda eran algunas luces que corrían en vertical, algunas personas al rededor de el, hombres vestidos de blanco, algo, una mano sostenía la suya, ese fue el diminuto faro de luz del cual se sostuvo en esa terrible tempestad, inconsciente sabia que era ella, ella lo había salvado, todo estaba bien... despertó por esa intermitente luz de las cortinas blancas y el sol travesandolas, frunció el seño un poco con molestia abrió lentamente los ojos y recorrió la habitación su corazón aun que débil la buscaba, tosió un poco y no vio a nadie, intento articular palabra alguna y simplemente volvió a desmayarse, horas mas tarde escucho a las enfermeras de turno decir, que cuanto amor debió haber sentido, pues jamas soltó la rosa, aun que esta le provoco sendas heridas en la mano que hiciera que sangrara, Una lagrima broto del rostro del hombre aquel, con mucho cuidado alzo el brazo aun conectado del suero para mirar su mano, ahí estaban las heridas, como recordatorio, como un frió recordatorio de lo inevitable, se seco las lagrimas, abrió los labios aun resecos e hinchados para articular un par de tristes palabras:  -ella va a venir, lo prometió, ella va a venir lo prometió-, se apago la luz y la habitación  se torno azul...

     Four days had passed and he was still on that bench in that dark park, he still had the rose in his hands, withered, without leaves, he did not move from that place, now it was snowing, the temperature had dropped, he kept repeating himself - she is coming, He promised, she will come, she promised- she kept repeating it over and over until she went crazy, she did not come, it was not the first time that happened to her, it was not the first time that women made fun of him, for his roses For his letters, for his details, it was not the first time, he has always liked women, but now he could not think, he was trying to breathe and not drown, his breathing was becoming more agitated and his mind was still repeating the same phrase, - she is going to come, she promised, she is going to come she promised-, without realizing it, she lost consciousness, she let herself be carried away, the only thing she remembers were some lights that ran vertically, some people around him, men dressed in white, something, a hand was holding the s uya, that was the tiny beacon of light that he held onto in that terrible storm, unconscious he knew it was her, she had saved him, everything was fine ... he woke up to that intermittent light of the white curtains and the sun crossing them, he frowned the gentleman with annoyance slowly opened his eyes and went through the room even though he was looking for it weak, coughed a little and did not see anyone, tried to articulate any word and just passed out again, hours later he heard the nurses on duty To say, how much love he must have felt, because he never released the rose, even though it caused wounds in his hand that caused it to bleed. A tear welled up from the man's face, very carefully raising his arm still connected to the serum to look at her hand, there were the wounds, as a reminder, as a cold reminder of the inevitable, she dried her tears, opened her lips, still dry and swollen, to articulate a couple of sad words: -she is going to come, l or he promised, he will come, he promised-, the light went out and the room turned blue ...

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