Ataque de amor - love attack

      Esa horrible y desconocida sensación que sentía en su estomago era el vil y mas artero ataque de amor que había sentido, se lavo con jabón zote, se paso una piedra pómez por los codos pechos y ombligo, comió una olla completa de chilaquiles harto de picosos, se puso unos fomentos de agüita tibia, se cambio la trusa (que nunca lo hacia), hablo con su doctor y hasta con un hierbero para que le quitaran esta sensación de la panza pero muy dentro de si sabia que tenia que hacerlo, tenia que amar por que... se lo pedía el corazón (y la panza) a si que se entrego al terrible vorágine que da el amor, entonces el corazón por medio de una venita que le llego al oído, le dijo quedito, -Ya era hora cabron!-

That horrible and unknown sensation that she felt in his stomach was the vile and most cunning attack of love that he had ever felt, he washed with zote soap, passed a pumice stone over her elbows, breasts and navel, ate a full pot of chilaquiles fed up with spicy , he put on some warm water pads, he changed her swimsuit (which she never did), he talked to her doctor and even to a herbalist to get rid of this feeling in his belly, but deep inside he knew he had to do it, he had to love because... his heart (and his belly) asked for it, so he gave himself up to the terrible whirlpool that love gives, then the heart, through a small vein that reached his ear, said softly, -Now it was time asshole!-

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