
 El otro día caminado por las calles de esta gran ciudad me detuve a observar a un señor de edad avanzada olía a alcohol barato y sus ropas eran jirones hablaba incoherencias y algunas casi ni se le entendían, me dio curiosidad a si que le pregunte no me respondió nada y solo se limito a contarme una historia, de una persona, alguien... llamado Carlos me decía que este tal “Carlos” era un doctor con mucho futuro en el trabajo donde estaba y ya lo estaban requiriendo para que se fuera a la capital a coordinar un hospital muy conocido, buen sueldo, buenas prestaciones en resumidas cuentas un futuro prometedor y brillante hasta que una mañana conoció a Mildred una chica que había llegado a prestar su servicio social al hospital donde trabajaba Carlos, este desde que la vio quedo prendado de ella y sucedió lo obvio, se dio a la tarea de cortejarla pero... saltemos esos detalles del inicio de su relación, una vez que iniciaron su “romance” empezaron a ocurrir cosas extrañas, por ejemplo ella le exigía cada vez mas que la ingresara al hospital y que le diera una base para quedarse a trabajar allí Carlos temeroso de perder su amor se la consiguió y al poco tiempo Mildred comenzó a coquetear con cuanta persona podía su lema era “-Yo no me quedo con  ganas de nada-” y fue entonces que Carlos cayo en una vorágine de celos y desconfianza hacia mildred al grado de desestabilizarlo emocionalmente comenzó a perder credibilidad ante sus colegas quienes se sentían amenazados y temerosos después de un terrible incidente dentro de un consultorio donde casi descubre a Mildred besándose con un camillero despidieron a Carlos triste y abatido puso un consultorio particular con la idea firme de comenzar otra vez, pero la historia habría de darle otro golpe a Carlos cuando le rogó a Mildred que se saliera del hospital para iniciar el consultorio juntos, Mildred lo miro de pies a cabeza y le dijo que “-con perdedores ni a la esquina-“ fue que inicio solo con el consultorio, ojo la vida da muchas vueltas y a la semana de que Carlos ya no estaba en el hospital a Mildred también la despidieron y al verse desprotegida corrió con Carlos que de nuevo la perdono y trabajaron en el consultorio fue entonces que Mildred se desvivía en atenciones para Carlos, pasaron 2 años entre celos una relación realmente toxica por parte de Mildred hasta que llego la noticia que estaba esperando por mucho tiempo, la habían contratado de base y planta en uno de los hospitales mas prestigiosos del sur, no tardo ni mas de dos días y con un pretexto cualquiera termino con Carlos no sin antes vaciarle todo el consultorio y solo le dejo el frasco de las paletitas de caramelo, Carlos entristeció de sobremanera cayendo en una terrible depresión le escribía una carta casi a diario al hospital donde trabajaba Mildred y esta de la noche a la mañana desapareció, Carlos jamás volvió a saber de Mildred... como si se la hubiera tragado la tierra, Carlos Mas tarde se volvió a enamorar y olvido por completo la pesadilla que vivió con su antigua ex novia, mucho tiempo después una amiga de Mildred le dijo a Carlos que ella había jurado venganza y que prefería verlo solo viejo enfermo  y acabado  que de eso ella se encargaría y es cuando llegamos a aquí, a esta banca con este individuo, siento lastima por el, tal parece que es una victima del amor de pareja, conté su historia... para que a nadie le pase lo mismo que a Carlos, la historia de cómo destruir a un buen hombre por una mujer sin escrúpulos

The other day walking through the streets of this great city I stopped to observe an elderly man who smelled of cheap alcohol and his clothes were tatters he spoke incoherently and some of them were hardly understood, I was curious if I asked him, I didn't He replied nothing and just limited himself to telling me a story, about a person, someone... called Carlos, he told me that this "Carlos" was a doctor with a great future in the job where he was and they were already requiring him to go to the capital to coordinate a well-known hospital, good salary, good benefits in short, a promising and bright future until one morning he met Mildred, a girl who had come to provide her social service at the hospital where Carlos worked, since he saw her I fell in love with her and the obvious happened, he took on the task of courting her but... let's skip those details of the beginning of their relationship, once they started their "romance" strange things began to happen, for example her She demanded more and more that he admit her to the hospital and give her a base to stay and work there. Carlos, afraid of losing his love, got it for her and soon Mildred began to flirt with as many people as she could. I'm left wanting nothing-” and it was then that Carlos fell into a maelstrom of jealousy and distrust towards Mildred to the point of emotionally destabilizing him, he began to lose credibility before his colleagues who felt threatened and fearful after a terrible incident inside an office where he almost discovered Mildred making out with a stretcher bearer they fired Carlos sad and dejected he set up a private practice with the firm idea of ​​starting again, but the story would give Carlos another blow when he begged Mildred to leave the hospital to start the office together, Mildred looked at him from head to toe and told him that "-with losers not even in the corner-" it was that I started alone with the office, eye life gives a lot many laps and a week after Carlos was no longer in the hospital Mildred was also fired and seeing herself unprotected she ran with Carlos who forgave her again and they worked in the office it was then that Mildred went out of her way to care for Carlos, 2 years passed between jealousy a really toxic relationship on Mildred's part until the news arrived that she had been waiting for a long time, they had hired her as a base and ward in one of the most prestigious hospitals in the south, it didn't take more than two days and with a pretext anyone ended up with Carlos but not before emptying the entire office and only leaving him the jar of caramel popsicles, Carlos was extremely sad falling into a terrible depression he wrote a letter almost daily to the hospital where Mildred worked and this one at night the morning disappeared, Carlos never heard from Mildred again... as if the earth had swallowed her, Carlos Later he fell in love again and completely forgot the p that he lived with his old ex-girlfriend, a long time later a friend of Mildred's told Carlos that she had sworn revenge and that she preferred to see him alone, sick old man alone and finished and that she would take care of that and that's when we got here, to this bench with this individual, I feel sorry for him, it seems that he is a victim of the love of a couple, I told his story... so that the same thing happens to no one as Carlos, the story of how to destroy a good man for an unscrupulous woman

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