Mil Palabras - thousand words

 Te vi alejarte atravez de la lluvia, no supe si eran tus lágrimas, pero sendas gotas rodaban sobre tus rosadas mejillas, yo solo te vi partir, tenía mil palabras que decirte, podría insistirte que te quedaras pero sólo optamos por abrazarnos darnos un dulce y cálido beso nos miramos a los ojos, nos deseamos suerte y mirame aquí, aún esperando por ti, esperando

I saw you walk away through the rain, I didn't know if they were your tears, but the drops rolled down your rosy cheeks, I only saw you leave, I had a thousand words to say to you, I could insist that you stay but we only chose to hug each other, give each other a sweet and warm kiss we look into each other's eyes, we wish each other luck and look at me here, still waiting for you... waiting

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