Esperando - Waiting

El Envejeció en esa banca, traía entre sus manos esa vieja foto, a sus 75 años tenia alma vieja, pero el decía que conservaba algo de juventud en una vieja cajita de roble, con algunos pedazos de estrellas viejas y cometas incandescentes, guardaba muy en el fondo del corazón la esperanza de que ella regresara, ponía ese viejo tocacintas con la misma canción... con esa misma vieja canción "Amor mio tu rostro divino no sabe guardar secretos de amor..." el universo cambiaba de color y sentía su presencia, podía abrazarla y besarla y bailar un suave vals con ella, aun que sea por un breve momento un breve segundo, podía estar con ella y ella ya no estaba con el, el lloraba y amaba como nunca amo en su vida... por un único y breve  momento…

He grew old on that bench, he had that old photo in his hands, at 75 he had an old soul, but he said that he kept some youth in an old oak box, with some pieces of old stars and incandescent kites, he kept very well the bottom of the heart, the hope that she would return, put that old tape player with the same song ... with that same old song "My love, your divine face does not know how to keep secrets of love ..." the universe changed color and felt his presence, he could hug her and kiss her and dance a soft waltz with her, even if it was for a brief moment a brief second, he could be with her and she was no longer with him, he cried and loved as he never loved in his life. for a single and brief moment ...

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