La desnude todita, se veía diosa, blanca con olor a fresa y sonrisa de mil infiernos, sabia que no podía ser mía... jamas lo seria, su corazón estaba comprometido con los fantasmas de su pasado, así que esa tarde de Marzo intente taturmela en la mente, cada centímetro de ella, recordar cada poro, cada estría, cada lunar de su tersa piel, entonces re descubrí sus ojos color miel, dude, dude en tenerte, vehemente enloquecido, lamí cada centímetro de sus pensamientos, me escabullí por cada rincón y nos entregamos a la perversión, nos olvidamos de los antifaces, nos olvidamos de las cordialidades de ser educados.. fuimos animales, brutales, bestiales... maravillosos!, llenos de energías, de maldades, de placeres mas allá de lo sano. tome tus negros rulos como brida a los embates, embadurne tu cuerpo con el dulce pastel del chocolate, sentí tu humedad... te inundabas, brotabas dulce, aguamiel que probé de tus labios en besos profundos, lentos, se insinuaron jadeos, se insinuaron silencios, se insinuó una tormenta, entonces la cama fue nuestro jardín de recreo, ate tus muñecas y me pedías mas, entonces te mire a la lejanía, temblabas, te lamias como gatito sediento, entonces estabas tu, resplandecías maravillosas, pacientemente te resbale, quedamos condenados a los recuerdos, el tatuaje quedo impreso, ahora que llueve, puedo dibujarte en la ventana, en vaho, en la piel del frio, pasaron 12 horas de aventar petardos al fuego, pero ahora henos aquí, sonriéndonos 3 años después, sin rencores, corriendo en direcciones opuestas, pero contrarias, la cama aun recuerda tus formas, tus olores, tus estrellas, bendita tu que pudiste olvidar, bendito el viento que te puede tener, bendito el tiempo que no deja de correr, te extrañare en tus propias palabras, te buscare en los ecos del pasado...
I undressed her all, she looked like a goddess, white with a strawberry scent and a thousand hell smile, I knew she couldn't be mine ... she would never be, her heart was committed to the ghosts of her past, so that afternoon in March I tried to tattoo it on my mind, every inch of it, remember every pore, every stretch mark, every mole on her smooth skin, then I rediscovered her honey-colored eyes, hesitate, hesitate to have you, vehemently mad, I licked every inch of her thoughts, I I sneaked around every corner and we surrendered to perversion, we forgot the masks, we forgot the cordialities of being educated ... we were animals, brutal, bestial ... wonderful!, full of energy, evils, pleasures beyond of the healthy. take your black curlers as a bridle to the onslaught, smear your body with the sweet chocolate cake, I felt your moisture ... you flooded, you sprouted sweet, mead that I tasted from your lips in deep, slow kisses, panting hinted at, hinted at silences, a storm was hinted at, then the bed was our playground, I tied your wrists and asked me for more, then I looked at you in the distance, you trembled, you licked yourself like a thirsty kitten, then you were there, you glowed marvelously, patiently I slipped you, We are condemned to memories, the tattoo remains imprinted, now that it rains, I can draw you on the window, in mist, on the cold skin, 12 hours spent throwing firecrackers into the fire, but now here we are, smiling at each other 3 years later, without grudges, running in opposite directions, but contrary, the bed still remembers your shapes, your smells, your stars, blessed are you who could forget, blessed is the wind that can have you, blessed is the time that does not stop running, ext I will add in your own words, I will look for you in the echoes of the past ...
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