Corazones lilas - Lilac hearts

      Ella era mi primer amor, cuando eso sucede, todo cambia, las palabras cambian, los sentidos cambian, los colores no son los mismos, las sensaciones se extrapolan, yo tenia 17 y ella estaba por cumplir 15, no sabia cuantos festejos podia hacer por tan extraordinaria ocasion, entonces se me ocurrieron los 3 regalos y como entregarselos, mi amor cursaba el 2do de secundaria y el primer regalo debía ser una sorpresa (de hecho me encantan dar sorpresas a la gente que amo), ella me confeso que amaba a un personaje de una tira cómica, entonces fui a una tienda de novedades y peluches y le pregunte si tenían en existencia ese personaje que ella adoraba, la empleada me dijo que si, me mostro los que tenia en el aparador, eran pequeños, entonces le pregunte que si no tenían algo mas "Grande", ella me dijo que si, me pidió esperar por que iría a la bodega a mostrarme lo que tenia, aproveche para darle unas vueltas a la imaginación y la organización de la entrega en lo que la dependienta regresaba, me mostro y sania que a ella le gustaría, gaste todos mis ahorros y parte de mi quincena, para comprarlo, mi jefe fue cómplice, cuando pacientemente arme el enorme regalo en mi centro de trabajo y que compañeros y secretarias adoraron el gesto, por que fue significativo?, en primero por que la amaba, mucho, en demasía ella era mi primer amor y lo mucho era poco para ella, termine de envolverlo a las 12 del dia (ella salía de la secundaria a la 2 de la tarde) y me encamine a entregárselo (no sin antes con la bendición de mi loco jefe), mientras daba pasos por las avenidas de la ciudad, la gente miraba con curiosidad (... y otros con ternura el monumental gesto), algo cansado llegue a las puertas de la secundaria donde mi amor estudiaba, el prefecto no me dejo ingresar con el enorme regalo, entonces le pedí que si por favor podía entregarlo a (el nombre la chica y su grado), el prefecto lo miro y dijo -Esta bien- (en esa época no te preocupabas por ningún acto terrorista, era una época mas inocente), el hombre tomo el enorme regalo, en vuelto en papel rojo con corazones lilas y un enorme moño rojo, ella me dijo en que salón iba y estaba justo en la calle como para que yo fuera a espiar... de hecho no fue necesario, desde el portón escuche un alegre grito y muchos aplausos, sabia que el regalo había llegado a su destinatario (esa sensación que daba el imaginarme la cara de felicidad que pondría la gente al recibir un regalo me acompaño por mucho tiempo... hasta ahora), sabia que ella era feliz y había descubierto dentro de la caja a su personaje favorito de 2 metros, me disponía a retirarme cuando el prefecto me llamo

-Jovencito, me pidieron que le entregara esto-

Era una notita de color rosa con tinta azul, de la letra de ella que solo me me escribía

-!Cucho¡, en la noche me las pagas, prepárate para la lluvia de besitos -

     Ella no sabia que me preparaba para el regalo numero 2, de hecho iba justo a apartarlo para esa misma noche.... coño!, ella era mi todo, claro aparte de mi hermosa madre

Lilac hearts

 She was my first love, when that happens, everything changes, the words change, the senses change, the colors are not the same, the sensations are extrapolated, I was 17 and she was about to turn 15, I did not know how many celebrations I could do for such an extraordinary occasion, then I came up with the 3 gifts and how to deliver them, my love was in the 2nd year of high school and the first gift had to be a surprise (in fact I love to give surprises to the people I love), she confessed to me that she loved a character from a comic strip, so I went to a novelty and stuffed animal store and asked her if they had that character that she adored in stock, the employee told me that yes, she showed me the ones she had on the sideboard, they were small, then I asked if they did not have something more "Big", she said yes, she asked me to wait because she would go to the winery to show me what she had, take the opportunity to give a few laps to the imagination and the organization of the delivery in what the saleswoman was returning , she showed me and sania that she would like it, I spent all my savings and part of my fortnight, to buy it, my boss was an accomplice, when I patiently put together the huge gift in my workplace and that colleagues and secretaries adored the gesture, for What was significant? At first, because I loved her, a lot, too much she was my first love and much was not enough for her, I finished wrapping it at 12 o'clock (she left high school at 2 o'clock in the afternoon) and I headed to give it to him (not without first with the blessing of my crazy boss), while taking steps through the avenues of the city, people looked with curiosity (... and others with tenderness the monumental gesture), something tired came to the doors of the high school where my love was studying, the prefect did not let me enter with the huge gift, so I asked him if he could please deliver it to (the girl's name and her grade), the prefect looked at it and said -Okay - (at that time you did not worry about any terrorist act, it was a time more innocent), the man took the huge gift, in red paperback with lilac hearts and a huge red bow, she told me which room she was going in and it was right on the street for me to go spy ... in fact It was not necessary, from the gate I heard a happy shout and much applause, I knew that the gift had reached its recipient (that feeling that gave me imagining the happy face that people would make when receiving a gift accompanied me for a long time. . until now), I knew that she was happy and had discovered her favorite 2-meter character inside the box, I was about to leave when the prefect called me

-Young man, they asked me to give you this-

It was a pink note with blue ink, from her handwriting that she only wrote to me:

- Babe, at night you pay me, get ready for the rain of kisses -

     She did not know that she was preparing me for gift number 2, in fact she was just going to set it aside for that very night .... Damn, she was my everything, of course apart from my beautiful mother

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