Pirotecnia - Pyrotechnics



Estaba de espaldas de el, sabia que la iba a besar, pero contenía todo ese entusiasmo  como los niños cuando van recibir un regalo de cumpleaños, su pecho no resistía la emoción y existía cierta pirotecnia en su forma de respirar, el la miro le quito la venda de los ojos la miro tiernamente y por un rato ella atravesó 5 planetas y una galaxia entera, el la sostenía de la mano....


She had her back to him, she knew he was going to kiss her, but she contained all that emotion like children when they receive a birthday present, her chest could not resist the emotion and there was a certain pyrotechnics in her way of breathing, he looked at her and took away The blindfold looked at her tenderly and for a while she crossed 5 planets and an entire galaxy, he held her by the hand ...

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