Gris - Gray

Como cuando te fuiste me quedaron un par de te quieros unas lagrimas en las manos, una bolsa de recuerdos grises, si te hubiera olvidado, como aquellos recuerdo inutiles, ahora estuviera extrañándola sin ti, le diste tantas vueltas al árbol, que quemaste su sabia, que ahora supura, sin ti, sin tus recuerdos, a donde se fueron las estrellas cuando no estuviste aquí?, donde estuviste cuando se acabo el mundo?, donde estuviste cuando el cielo fue gris?, tu lo sabes, te fuiste  lejos, hasta la esquina del mundo donde no te pudiera doler, donde no fuera tuyo el problema, donde pudiera llorar solo yo, lejos de la lluvia de alcohol, lejos de la tempestad de la oscuridad, vuelvo emprender el vuelo bajo, al ras, cerca del suelo buscándola, buscándome, buscando el pasado, buscando los latidos del corazón que quedaron esparcidos, entre el espacio, entre tus pensamientos y mi realidad, amo cada paso pero  no los tuyos, nunca los tuyos, por que nunca fueron tuyos, fueron los latidos de mi mas grande amor ... ella, incomparable, insustituible, ella por la eternidad...

Like when you left I had a couple of you I love some tears in my hands, a bag of gray memories, if I had forgotten you, like those useless memories, now I was missing her without you, you went so many turns to the tree, that you burned her wise , that now oozes, without you, without your memories, where did the stars go when you were not here ?, where you were when the world ended ?, where you were when the sky was gray ?, you know, you went away, To the corner of the world where it could not hurt, where the problem was not yours, where I could cry alone, away from the rain of alcohol, away from the storm of darkness, I take off again low, close, near the I usually look for her, looking for me, looking for the past, looking for the heartbeat that was scattered, between the space, between your thoughts and my reality, I love every step but not yours, never yours, because they were never yours, they were the beats of my biggest and love ... she, incomparable, irreplaceable, she for eternity ...

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